An excellent cinematic roleplay experience for those who want to recapture the action and majesty of the anime without being bogged down in numbers and stats. The system is easy to learn but complex enough to stay interesting for the length of a campaign. Homefront adds to the experience by delivering more to table to sink your teeth into. 10/10 would recommend.
The new book brings a host of new and interesting dynamics to the system, giving GMs and players all the tools required to play a game at any level- from a small band of survivors struggling against the Invid, to world shattering wars against The Robotech Masters.
The new content that has been created has been lovingly crafted by people who know the lore and want to expand it in ways never thought of before.
As a player that’s new to the system, but somewhat familiar with the setting, I’ve had a great time so far with the system and content. The rules, skills, and talents are easily understood and well thought-out, and easy for a new player like myself to get the hang of quickly. The new enemy units, vehicles, and weapons added are great. The ASC Highlander Tank and Cyclops Battloid in particular have been a blast to use.
Strange Machine Games is proud to announce a new Robotech®
Roleplaying Game:

The Kickstarter goes live October 19th, 2021

Robotech: Homefront is the first supplement in the Robotech Roleplaying Game series. Homefront, a 275 page book, contains all the major content from both “The Masters” and “New Generation” Sagas.

New Stories
New lore and stories grow the Robotech experience, fleshing out the cataclysmic events of the Second and Third Robotech Wars for Earth, exploring the planets history and new way of life in the wake of devastation and war unimaginable. Explore the Robotech world as you’ve never seen it before or re-live the original story collected and retold from the earliest conflicts to the last dramatic moments.
Choose from these Robotech Factions:
Invid: Choose to play as a character of any Invid evolution state and obtain powerful psychic abilities.
UEEF: Pilot powerful mecha, such as the Alpha, Beta, and Cyclone Veritechs. Link up the Alpha and Beta for supreme firepower.
The Masters: Choose to play 3 characters simultaneously as a Triumvirate, as well as pilot advanced Bioroid mecha.
ASC: Utilize a vast array of weaponry to combat an advanced foe. Take out the nimble Spartas Hovertank or bring all the firepower in the VFH-10 AGAC.

Amazing Art
Heroes and Villains
Mecha and Equipment
Battle Scenes
Expanded Arsenal
In addition, the expanded arsenals bring the conflicts of the Earth-bound Robotech wars to new heights. New and never before seen mecha and weapons allow the full might of Robotechnology to be unleashed. Behold, as the Masters bring a huge array of expanded weapons to crush humanity and reclaim the Protoculture Matrix while new and sinister Invid stalk the wastelands on the hunt for resistance fighters. The ASC and UEEF dig deep into their catalogue of weaponry to counter these new threats and save the Earth.